Monday 29 November 2010

collection 100 research 20 words

The Best Leeds Slang!

a'feared - afraid
wot-a-todo - what a lot of fuss
lass - girl
bonnie - pretty
By 'eck - bloody hell
Blathered - drunk.
Polli - a lift on the back of a shove iron.
Shove (or push) iron - bicycle.
Gob - mouth.
Gob iron - harmonica.
Growler - pork pie (stand pie.)
Chelping - nagging.
Taws - marbles.

1. Woat= will not (wont)
2. Tek = take
3. Mek = make
4. Strides = trousers
5. or reet = alright
6. Love = man to man, e.g. or reet love (bloody funny looks anywhere else other than Leeds)
7. cock = fella e.g. or reet cock
8. Jesus wept = astonished /amazement
9.Cellar head= top of the cellar stairs
10. Cocker spadge= or reet cocker spadge, said more to young uns I think.
11. Bobby Dazzler= you look smart /in ya Sunday best
12.Spuggy = sparrow
13. Geezer = hot water tap normally above the sink when we use to only have a cold water tap
This is more south Yorkshire but a nice saying - Tha dunt lark meat and tha fathers a butcher. 

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